
About Us

Building Champions Global’s founders have been involved in the recruitment of student-athletes for over a decade. We have worked closely with large powerhouse universities and small rural programs. This huge variety of experience gives our platform enormous credibility and means we are a trusted voice in the world of college recruitment.

What is Building Champions?

Our High School-to-College soccer player recruitment platform is designed to empower the Coaches in support of their players where the Coaches have the control.

Through our user-friendly dashboard, High School coaches can create a player’s profile, upload them onto our player database and recommend them for appropriate College levels.
College coaches can quickly find players that meet their needs as well as send out ID camp information to targeted High Schools to support their recruitment drive.

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Getting Recruited Starts Here

Our High School-to-College soccer player recruitment platform is designed to empower the Coaches in support of their players where the Coaches have the control.

The scoreboard is clear youth athletes are more likely to win at life.

But in order for kids to have amazing sports experiences, they need innovative and well-equipped leaders. We started Building Champions Global because we wanted to rally around leaders, empower them and give them the tools for success.

Our vision is a world made better through increased access to sport and education. That starts by investing in the people that make sports happen.


Potential College programs


Participants in High School soccer


Combined experience in professional and non-professional soccer

Recruiting Partners

See What Our Users Are Saying

  • What is the purpose of this platform?

    Our innovative platform is designed to connect High School players with thousands of NCAA, NAIA, NJCAA and NCCAA colleges and universities to help your players receive the scholarship of their dreams.

  • What makes this platform different?

  • How does it work?

  • How do I create a player profile on the platform as a High School coach?

  • How do I find players of interest?

  • How do I connect to players of interest?

  • As a College coach, how do I target my ID camp notifications?